15 ottobre 2024

G7 Digital: TECH7 associations present a joint declaration on AI governance

The TECH7 Associations meet in Cernobbio alongside the G7 Ministerial Meeting on Technology and Digital Affairs

Cernobbio, 15 October 2024 – Today, in Cernobbio, alongside the G7 Ministerial Meeting on Technology and Digital Affairs, the leading ICT Associations from G7 countries (TECH7) gathered with the aim to discuss strategic priorities for 2025. The meeting further strengthened cooperation between national digital associations in preparation to the upcoming Canadian G7 presidency, ensuring continuity of the work initiated during the Italian presidency.

The TECH7 discussed the key topics of Artificial Intelligence governance, digital infrastructure security and the promotion of open digital trade.

To this end, the associations sent an official Statement to the Undersecretary to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Alessio Butti. The document outlines priorities and recommendations for responsible and innovation-driven AI governance. The note reiterates the importance of pro-innovation and risk-based regulation, emphasising that no country can tackle the challenges presented by AI alone. The paper calls for the establishment of common international standards to ensure that regulations are globally interoperable and encourages an ongoing dialogue with industry and other multilateral bodies, such as the OECD, to ensure that the governance framework is up-to-date and applicable in a practical and effective manner.

The main points of the Statement:

  • A coordinated approach for international AI governance that promotes innovation while ensuring security and rights.
  • The importance of defining common standards for the security of digital infrastructures, with a focus on collaboration between countries to address cybersecurity risks in a consistent and harmonized manner.
  • The necessity for digital trade policies that promote free trade based on common standards, breaking down trade barriers and fostering economic growth through technological innovation.

During the meeting Associations shared insights on the achievements of the Italian G7 presidency and identify strategic priorities in anticipation of the upcoming Canadian presidency. Indeed, digital policies, particularly concerning AI, will increasingly need to find common ground at the international level. For this reason, the Associations aim to strengthen dialogue and collaboration within the TECH7 framework to mantain a strong voice for the digital industry and ensure proactive engagement with governments. For this reason, the Associations aim to strengthen dialogue and collaboration within the TECH7 framework to maintain a strong voice for the digital industry and ensure proactive engagement with governments.

G7 Digital: TECH7 associations present a joint declaration on AI governance
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Anitec-Assinform - Associazione Italiana per l’Information and Communication Technology (ICT)  
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