Organisation Profile

Organisation Profile

Anitec-Assinform is the leading industry association for companies operating in Italy in the production of software, systems, and electronic equipment, as well as in the provision of application solutions, networks, value-added services, and content related to the use of ICT and the development of digital innovation

With offices in Milan and Rome and over 700 members – including direct and indirect members through Confindustria’s Territorial Associations. Anitec-Assinform embodies a sector that, as a whole, generates over €79 billion in revenue and employs approximately 660,000 people. 

It represents the union of high-tech digital companies operating in Italy, regardless of size and specialization: from software, systems, and equipment manufacturers to providers of application solutions and networks, as well as suppliers of value-added services and content related to ICT and Digital Innovation. 

It serves as the national voice of the ICT sector, driving innovation in business processes and public administration, fostering competitive industrial development, and acting as an essential support for active citizenship. 

Anitec-Assinform is a member of Confindustria and member of the EXB in DigitalEurope, the European ICT Industry Association based in Brussels. 

The Association provides members with a wide range of services and activities and advocates for the needs and requirements of ICT companies in several areas: legislative (both national and European), economic and business-related, promotional, and educational. 

In terms of representation, Anitec-Assinform has a primary role in the dialogue between key economic, political, and institutional stakeholders and the digital ecosystem. 


Institutional Presentation

Anitec-Assinform - Associazione Italiana per l’Information and Communication Technology (ICT)  
P.IVA: 10053550967 C.F.: 10053550967 - Privacy